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Parental Involvement

Teamwork is Important to Us

Successful teamwork between parents and educators is important to us because it reflects on the child’s development.

That’s why we have a culture of teamwork at NDLA. There is constant interaction between parents and educators as we plan excursions, common activities, and parties.

Our current parent-teacher involvement consists of monthly parent meetings to meet and discuss activities that are going on at the school, to discuss situations that may have arisen, and to answer any questions parents may have. Our parent partnership meetings are also a time for parents to express how they feel and work with our directors to share new ideas.

We’re always grateful for support above and beyond the call of duty.

Reciprocal Relationships

Our goal is to obtain and form relationships which will be sustained over the course of a child’s enrollment in our program.  We are available in a variety of ways when the parent wishes to contact our staff.  The parents may call the school, email the director or teacher using their first initial and last name, or visit the school in person.  When necessary a family meeting may be held.  Home visits may also occur.  There are many events throughout the year that both our families and staff attend; such as the Spring Program, Graduation, monthly parent meetings, fieldtrips, etc.  It is our goal to work with families to plan events.  Families’ schedules and availability are considered as part of this planning.

Contact us to find out what you can do!